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Mike Drop


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Amazing Podcast- you wear out the volume knob
Mr. Ritland is an amazing interviewer. I wish he would get closer to his microphone, he is always 30 decibels below his guest.


Great Podcast
Awesome podcast that gets better every week!

Great show!
Thank you for your service Brother! The show is amazing, will remain a loyal listener.

Love it
Thanks for what you do! Great interviews! I look forward to them every week! Keep up the good work.

Mr Ritland
I really enjoy your interview style, in depth questions & allowing guests to speak freely without being interrupted, Thank You

Choke yourself!
If you don’t like and subscribe to this, choke yourself.

Outstanding Podcast!
Great podcast. Mike always has outstanding guests, great content, and a great sense of humor.

Awesome Podcasts
Definitely in my top 5 favorite podcast shows to listen to, lot of phenomenal stories and people on the episodes. I’d say my favorite episode is probably the one you did with Taylor Cavanaugh.

Right On
Episode 165, J. Shrek McPhee, the scariest carefree surfer dude out there!

I always make time for some Mike Drop!
This is very different from the other podcasts I listen to but I’m never disappointed with the content and guests. Great job, Mike! I have a number of favorites interviews but most recently, Michael Durant and then Cody Lundin. Excellent. 6-16-22: Great interview with Kelsi! Riveting story. It’s one thing to hear similar from the guys but from a female perspective it was a little tough. I’ve got daughters and pray that they never have to go through something like like, well anyone for that matter. Hang in there Kelsi. Salute! 9-12-22: I just listened to the interview with Bruce Sackman. Fascinating stuff, but scary. I work in the Air Ambulance industry and my Medical crews have some pretty wild stories from their times in the hospitals and/ambulances. We sometimes feel like we fly people away from certain death simply by getting them out of a specific hospital or away from certain medical staff. After hearing Bruce’s stories, now I really wonder. 10-24-22: I just finished the interview with Kyle Carpenter. Great interview! Mike does a very good job of getting the interviewees to open up and speak, without a lot of interjection. Kyle is such a smooth and calm speaker. It was a pleasure to listen to all 4+ hours. 11-30-22: Fantastic interview with Jeff Struecker! Black Hawk Down has a lot of personal meaning to me and it was fascinating to here yet another in-depth piece of it from another person. Keep up the great work! 7-30-23: Fantastic interview with Remi Adeleke! Man, that guy’s got energy! I’m excited for him and for all of us to be able to see/read his work in the future. Now I’ve got to back up a few years and listen to his previous 2 interviews. More great work, Mike! 6-18-24 Zach Ferguson: (Deep sigh…) Wow, that was some heavy stuff. As I get older I seem to get more and more empathetic. Man, I popped a few tears while mowing my lawn and listening. I would think it would have been much worse if I had been watching this episode. The Lord puts us through trials, but apparently some people get the more difficult ones. I really admire Zach’s character and ability to adapt and overcome. Keep hanging in there, and I pray that you can bring healing to the remainder of your family. I have a Disabled Veteran Brother-In-Law that I really think could benefit from psychedelics, but so far has been very resistant. I keep sharing episodes with him but I don’t know if he listens. The more I hear about them and the “miracles” they seem to do for people, the more I hope the people that could benefit from them will try. I want him to be an Enabled Veteran, and a pillar for his family. Thank you Zach, and Mike for all the great work that are doing.

Mike is a guys guy. Appreciate the interesting conversations w interesting guests that stay with you

Mike Ritland is not only funny when the episode deems appropriate but he has a deep understanding of both past and current events and his interview style is unmatched. I look forward to the next episode as soon I wrap up the previous one. Keep it up and that goes for all the amazing work with the Warrior Dog Foundation

Night stalker
Outstanding podcast by both guest & interviewer, nicely done!

This awesome podcast is for anyone who loves their country including ladies like myself. Mike does such a great job of interviewing really interesting people and preserving fascinating history. The more you listen to their stories, the more you appreciate the sacrifices people make for our freedom. The best thing about this podcast is how the host Mike Ritland is a great listener and lets his guests go deep into their stories. Please keep the podcasts coming, you make our time in the gym a lot more fun.

Fantastic show!
Awesome show and guests!

Dedicated fan
I first heard of Mike on the Shawn Ryan show. I was very entertained and loved the experience of his story. I am now listening to all episodes one or two a day. Soon I will join the team dog and learn how to properly train a dog. Thank you for your service and the very entertaining podcast.

Favorite Podcast
Have been listening since 2019. Love this podcast. Would recommend to everyone and wish more people would listen to these amazing stories

Outstanding podcast
With so many military oriented podcasts out there, it’s easy to miss the great ones. You can stop looking. Mike has the most engaging interview style that drills down deeper than most without wasting everyone’s time or getting sidetracked. His guests have intriguing backgrounds and even if I’ve listened to their story on another show, I’ll listen again here because Mike gets so much more out of them. Highly recommend this show and constantly telling my buddies about him.

Absolutely amazing
Such a great podcast. For an absolutely amazing American to interview awesome people - it’s raw, it’s real, it is not all sunshine and unicorns. I appreciate the truth behind all the stories - ptsd is real, separation is real, people falter. Mike does an amazing job to bring out the best, and the truth. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

One of the best
162 has been in my opinion, one of the best! This coming from a true fan.

He Interviews true hero’s
Started listening to episode 161 and 162. Great questions and great contexts. He is respectful of the people he talks too. One last thing. In his interview Drago says he’s not a hero in Poland and he couldn’t be more wrong. He’s a hero in two countries. To do what he did in Poland and to come here and want to pay back America. He’s a hero in Poland and in the United States.

Episode 179/180
Wish I could rate your guest she would get a zero. You will never get less than 5 stars from me. Love the questions you ask and the flow you keep. Please never invite that embellishing, lying, nasally, obnoxious lady on ever again. Her nonsense about the police academy being 8 months. Then to say some commander pulled her aside when she was contemplating leaving for secret service and told her she always has a spot here. Could she get any more dramatic? You can always return to a parent agency provided they have an opening and it’s been within a year. You will lose seniority and detail. She makes it sound like he will be on his knees cradling her badge waiting for her return. Sorry, narcissists infuriate me.

Excellent show
Absolutely love Mike’s show. If you don’t like the show “Choke yourself”

One of the best
Fairly new subscriber after hearing Mike on other podcasts. Always top notch guests. Asking the right questions. Getting the right answers. You have a new lifelong listener. Thanks!

One of the best podcasts. Period.
Mike's show is genuine, funny, entertaining, and informative. He sets himself apart from other SEALs that do podcasts by the candor, banter, and thought provoking conversations. Even as a Marine, this is my favorite podcast.

Always excellent
MR is an OG at this

More Ads than time square
So many Ads for TRT cocoa and puppy chow I could “choke myself”.

Keep up the Good Fight
As a Professor of Medicine and Center Director for Global Health at a large US institution, it is amazingly refreshing to see Mike share his experiences in a balanced and forthright manner. I appreciate his straight talk and no holds bar approach. The guests and the interactions that transpire during the podcast are truly touching stories from some of our most accomplished leaders and hero’s - the one’s who actually count the most. And by the way, there are Professors out there who are real patriots with exactly the same ideologies and viewpoints that you all share. Just not too many:) Keep up the good fight!